The provisions of § 32 par. 10 of Act no. 404/2011 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the Aliens Residence Act) , who has been granted a temporary residence, is required to submit a medical report stating that he or she does not suffer from a disease which threatens public health. This medical certificate shall be submitted at the police department within 30 days from the receipt of the residence document.
The Aliens Residence Act also specifies exceptions to this obligation for the following cases
– in the case of a third-country national who has been granted a temporary stay for the purpose of performing duties by military forces,
– in the case of a third-country national who has been granted the temporary stay of a third-country national who has the status of a Slovak living abroad,
– in the case of a third-country national who has been granted the temporary residence of a third-country national who has been granted the status of long-term resident in another Member State,
– in the case of a change in the type or purpose of the stay.
The medical certificate specified above required by law are issued at the below given institutions:
- Bratislava region
- Poliklinika cudzokrajných chorôb, ZAMA s. r. o., Americké námestie 3, 811 08 Bratislava,
- Inštitút očkovania a cestovnej medicíny s. r. o., Teslova 33, 821 02 Bratislava.
- Nitra region
- Infekčná klinika, ambulancia pre cudzokrajné choroby Fakultnej nemocnice Nitra, Špitálska 6, 949 01 Nitra.
- Trenčín region
- Ambulancia infektológie a tropickej medicíny Spoločnosti INF TROP-MED s. r. o., Nábrežná 5, 971 01 Prievidza.
- Žilina region
- Klinika infektológie a cestovnej medicíny Univerzitnej nemocnice Martin, Kollárova2, 036 01 Martin,
- Inštitút očkovania a cestovnej medicíny s. r. o., ŽILPO s. r. o., Vysokoškolákov 31, 010 01 Žilina.
- Košice region
- Klinika infektológie a cestovnej medicíny Univerzitnej nemocnice L. Pasteura, Rastislavova 43, 040 01 Košice.
- Banská Bystrica region
- Ambulancia cestovnej medicíny pri Infekčnom oddelení Fakultnej nemocnice s poliklinikou F. D. Roosevelta v Banskej Bystrici, Cesta k nemocnici 1, 975 17 Banská Bystrica.
Documents issued by other institutions or documents issued in the country of origin will not be accepted as documents confirming that the third-country national does not suffer from a disease that poses a threat to public health.
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