On the date of decision of a company to enter into liquidation process, the following must be provided:

  • company must submit the registration of liquidation process to the Commercial register,
  • during the liquidation the company shall use the annex to its business name „ in liquidation “,
  • the company is obliged to nominate a liquidator,
  • the company liquidator is entitled to provide only legal acts leading to its liquidation,
  • the process of liquidation shall be announced at Slovak Commercial bulletin. All the steps are possible to realize electronically.


Liquidator of a Slovak company

– shall be older than 18 and shall submit the Criminal record without any registration,

– provides all legal acts necessary to liquidate the company,

– without any delay publishes the liquidation of the company in the Commercial Bulletin for the minimum period of three months,

– acts on behalf of the company at courts and state authorities,

– prepares the balance sheet at start of the liquidation and at the end of liquidation. Then he invites the shareholders for general meeting and submits the final report of liquidation.


Within ninety days from the end of a liquidation of a Slovak company, the liquidator shall cancel the company of the Commercial register. To this final step, the liquidator shall attach the approval of tax authorities to cancel the company (Tax office, Customs Office and Municipality and pay the required state fees).

For further info feel free to contact us.


Liquidation of a company in Slovakia

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