Legal entity registered in Slovakia (limited liability or Joint Stock Company) as well as physical person in Slovakia is obliged to register at Tax office. The basic step that entitles you to make business in Slovakia is registration at Trade license office and Commercial register of District Court.

In order to get registered properly you shall find the application at or at any tax office. The deadline to get registered is a month following the month when the entity or physical person was registered at Trade license Office or Commercial register. The application shall be properly completed and signed by the statutory representative or by the proxy.

If all the conditions for registration at Tax Office are fulfilled, then Tax Office shall complete the registration within 30 days from the date when the application was delivered to the relevant Tax office. When you are registered you shall receive your tax ID ( DIČ). For Vat registration check this post.

In a time period given by law, you shall receive a Tax ID card upon which the registration is completed.

If you are an existing legal entity and you realize any changes in your data given at Commercial register, you are obliged to inform the Tax office on any changes no later than by the end of the month following the month when the change was registered and at the same time you are oblige to inform the Trade license office on any changes. Changes shall be announced also to Social Insurance Company and Health Insurance Company.

Did you know that? Obligations of registration of a legal entity in Slovakia

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