An application for the granting of temporary residence permit shall be filed by a third country national in person abroad at a consulate accredited for the state which has issued a travel document for him/her or at a consulate accredited for the state in which he/she has permanent residence; unless provided otherwise herein; if there is no such an embassy or in exceptional circumstances the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall determine, following to the agreement with the Ministry of Interior, another consulate where the third country national files the application for the granting of temporary residence permit. The consulate which has received the application shall issue a certificate of receipt to the applicant on the date of its receipt.
A consulate that received the application shall interview the temporary residence permit applicant to make a preliminary check of the application. The interview shall be conducted in the state language or in another language understood by both parties. The consulate shall produce a written record about the interview which is to be attached to the application for granting a temporary residence permit. The record shall be produced in the language of the interview and signed by the applicant; if the interview was not conducted in the state language, the consulate shall produce a translation into the state language and attest it with their attestation clause. If the applicant does not speak the state language he/she may arrange an interpreter, at his/her own cost, who shall be obliged to sign the record. Together with the record and the translation thereof the consulate shall send to the police department its position on granting the temporary residence permit, in which they shall recommend to grant or not to grant the temporary residence permit and the specific reasons for such position.
The temporary residence permit application may also be filed by the third country national in person at the police department, if he/she is legally residing in the Slovak Republic territory; this shall not apply to third country nationals with residence permits granted under or to asylum seekers. Submitting an application does not authorize a third country national to reside in the territory of the Slovak Republic beyond the conditions stipulated by a special regulations. A third country national who is a holder of a certificate of a Slovak living abroad and who applied for temporary residence permit shall be authorized to reside in the territory of the Slovak Republic before the application is decided.
A police department shall issue a certificate of receipt to the applicant on the date of the filing of an application for the granting of temporary residence permit.
In case you are not sure where to submit your application , send us and email.
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