Poloniny is the most eastern Slovak National Park. The place that connects the Slovak, Polish and Ukrainian border is Kremenec – the highest point of the national park (1 210 m ). Territory, along with the adjacent protected areas of Poland and Ukraine is included in the network of biosphere reservations named as International biosphere reservation of Eastern Carpathians. The very precious are the Carpathian beech forests – undisturbed by man or untouched forests. The most famous and its area in Slovakia is the largest forest Stužica. Altogether with Havešová, Rožok and Vihorlat (plain Vihorlat) and 6 other sites in the neighboring Ukraine in 2007 it was inscribed in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage. Non-forest communities are represented by unique mountain meadows – Poloniny. Belonging to the Eastern Carpathians area is reflected in numerous occurrence of the East Carpathian plant species and their communities, many of which are endemic. The most important include the Carpathian buttercup (Ranunculus carpaticus), pink scorzonera (Scorzonera rosea), Dianthus barbatus subsp. Compactus, Viola dacica or Tithymalus sojakii. Very valuable is the animal life. The National Park is one of the most important areas in Central Europe with the occurrence of large wild animals. A rarity is the presence of bisons in the wild.
The park is the home of Slovakia´s easternmost village, Nová Sedlica, and the largest drinking reservoir in Slovakia, the man – made Starina. Poloniny has the widest selection of wooden architecture among the Slovak national parks. Wooden churches in Ruský potok, Uličské Krivé, Topoľa and Jalová are the most preciosu wooden buildings in the area. The park provides places for walking, hiking, skiing , camping, cyclying and mountain biking. Educational trails offer information about the natural habitat, history or traditions of the villages from the area.
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