What documents are needed to set up a company in Slovakia? What information?
If you decide to open a company with us in Slovakia, you shall provide:
– business name of a company that you/ your client is interested to set up in Slovakia,
– legal seat or we can assist you with it
You should know if your client needs legal seat only per postal service or regular Office?
– Then, we need to know the object of business of your company.
You can have more objects of business in Slovakia.
Then we need information on:
– shareholder (there can be more than 1)
(name, surname, date and place of birth, citizenship, residency- address, copy of ID or estrait of the Commercial register in case of legal entity)
– information who will be the executive
(name, surname, citizenship, residency- address, copy of ID, criminal record with apostile)
– value of share
min 750EUR/ shareholder
– The minimum basic capital required by law in Slovakia is
5.000 EUR.
Don´t hesitate to contact us for further information. Set up your business in Slovakia!
We are glad to provide you our services.