The process of applying for business visa in Slovakia involves a lot of administration, documents, and official translations into Slovak language that shall be provided by authorized translator. The important part of the administration is to fulfil the requirement for financial responsibility.

The legal act on foreigner´s stay specifies that the stay of foreigners in Slovakia requires documents proving that the applicant for business visa in Slovakia is able to be independent from Slovak state support to make business in Slovakia.

Therefore, the applicant for business visa in Slovakia shall fulfil the requirement financial responsibility. The legal act on foreigners´ specifies financial requirement of stay and financial requirement for making business of the applicant for business visa in Slovakia.

The financial responsibility for stay of the applicant for business visa in Slovakia is proven by submitting the bank statement ( even from the country of applicant´s residence) registered for applicant´s name, if it is a foreign bank then a document shall state the movements within last 3 months. The financial amount that shall be on your personal account for your stay in Slovakia is 12 times of the life minimum amount that is at least 2500 euros.

The financial responsibility for making business in Slovakia is proven by bank statement of a bank in a state where the business shall be done or by the bank statement from the foreign bank with the movements within last 3 months. This shall be proven by the amount that equals 100 times of the life minimum that is at least 20.600 euros.

For further info do not hesitate to contact us and send us your questions regarding making business in Slovakia or in case of applying for business visa in Slovakia.

Financial responsibility of the applicant of business visa in Slovakia

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