Now it is the right time to deposit applications at Slovak universities in case you are interested. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to ask us. The deadline for depositing the applications is March 31.

Documents needed to be submitted for accepting the application for the temporary residence for the purpose of study

  • two photographs of size 3 x 3,5 cm
  • valid travel document

Document not older than 90 days which confirms the purpose of stay

confirmation from the competent state administration authority of acceptance of third country national for studies or confirmation from the organization which provides for activities according to the programmes approved by the government of the Slovak republic or programmes of the European Union on the basis of a contract with the competent state administration authority .

Document not older than 90 days which confirms integrity

–        extract from the Crime Register of the country he/she is a national to,

  • extract from the Crime Register of the country where the third country national has resided during last three years for the period longer than 90 days within six consecutive months

In justified cases the Police department may accept the document which confirms integrity older than 90 days provided that the period between the issuance of document which confirms integrity and arrival of third country national on the territory of Slovak Republic is no longer than 90 days.

Document not older than 90 days which confirms financial resources for residence

–          statement of ballance of a bank account of third country national,

  • confirmation of granting a scholarship,
  • confirmation of a statutory body of a legal entity about the provision of financial resources during residence,
  • statutory declaration of a person that he/she would provide financial resources for third country national during his/her residence supported by a statement of personal bank account.

Document not older than 90 days which confirms provided accommodation

–  the title deed or the extract from the title deed of the Real Estate Register issued in favour of   the third country national,

  • lease contract concluded with a real estate owner or user and extract from the title deed or other document proving the entitlement to use the real restate,
  • confirmation of the accommodation facility on the provision of accommodation, estate or
  • statutory declaration of the natural person or legal entity on provision of accommodation to the alien in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the extract from the title deed.


Documents for study permit in Slovakia

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