a) Taxation of physical person


Which income will be taxed in Slovakia?

  • Resident in Slovakia?(living there for min.183 consecutive days  over 12 months) You must pay tax on your worldwide income there.
  • Not resident in Slovakia?You only pay tax on income earned there.
  • Income from other EU countries?Check you never pay tax twice on the same income.


How much will you pay?

Income tax rates for 2019

19% income tax – income tax rate that does not exceed 176.8 times the amount of the living minimum, that is up to 35 268.06 euros. When calculating the deductible tax, the tax base for the 19% rate is EUR 2 939.01. In case of precipitation, the rate is 19%.

 25% income tax – income tax rate that exceeds 176.8 times the amount of the living minimum, that is, more than 35,268.06 euros.

 7% withholding tax on dividends, if the taxpayer is a resident of the Slovak Republic or a contracting state.

 19% withholding tax according to § 43 par. 2 and 3 (except for dividends) if the taxpayer is a resident of the Slovak Republic or of a Contracting State.

§ 35% withholding tax according to § 43 par. 2 and 3 (including dividends) if the taxpayer is a resident of a non-Contracting State.


In calculating your taxable income, take account of any allowances or deductions for expenditure you are entitled to.


How and when do you pay?

You must:

  • make monthly or quarterly advance payments (the amount of each should be the same as that paid in corresponding period in the previous year).
  • file a tax return by March 31st every year.

How to appeal/complain

If you disagree with your tax assessment, you can appeal to the tax office.


b) Taxation of legal entity

The tax declaration is being deposited by 31. March for the previous year of income. The taxation of legal entities is 21% of the net income (1x a year)  and the VAT is 20% of income and can be a payer monthly or quarterly.

For further info about taxes please send your questions.

Taxation in Slovakia in 2019

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